Coastal Natural Therapies is a Gold Coast based clinic that has a team of professionals helping you through fertility and conception. We are professionals in our fields and promise to keep the focus solely on you through this time. Catering to each individual couple we hope to naturally help you on your pregnancy journey.


Treatments are advised to be commence 1-3months prior to wanting to conceive. Often infertility within a woman can come from a hormonal imbalance, acupuncture aims to restore balance within the body ensuring optimal chance of conception.  It has been proven to increase blood flow to the uterus, enhance egg quality and build a healthy environment for optimal chance of conception either naturally or via IVF. Our well trained practitioners offer a plan that caters to your individual needs.


Stress levels can affect fertility and massage has been shown to reduce stress hormones in the body in both men and women. Massage can play an important role in maximising health and supporting you through the process of baby making, giving you time to un-wind and get in touch with yourself again. Sessions can help to manage your anxiety, support the endocrine system, balance energy flow and assist in increasing blood flow to important areas for conception.

Throughout the fertility stage our team works to           

  • Regulate a woman’s body
  • Create strong hormone balance
  • Relieve any stress or anxiety
  • Overcome obstacles obstructing conception
  • Prepare the mind and body for the pregnancy journey