Recent reports from the world health organisation show that nine of the most common infectious diseases are becoming resistant to antibiotic treatment. This is due to the alarming overuse of antibiotics with people using them as a quick fix rather Read More...
As the days are getting colder, Coastal Natural therapies wants to help you in avoiding the cold and flu this winter season. It is vital to prepare your body on the inside to enable it to deal with external factors Read More...
For women everywhere, dealing with menstruation is never fun, but Coastal Natural therapies can provide you with treatments that will reduce discomfort and make this time as pain free as it should be. Women assume that whilst menstruating, dealing with Read More...
Massage therapy at Coastal Natural therapies on the Gold Coast, can be utilised to treat a number of illnesses or injuries and we use the treatments most beneficial to you. Beyond the instant result of reduced tension and lowered stress levels, Read More...
If the end of financial year stress is causing you headaches, Coastal Natural therapies have some relieving news for you. Recent studies show that acupuncture combined with herbal treatments can offer the most effective treatment for vascular headaches and migraines. Read More...
Coastal Natural Therapies strive to address and restore the entire body. Visiting a Naturopath can be the first step in long term health and wellness, diagnosing small problems now to prevent them from developing into bigger problems later. A Naturopath Read More...
Coastal Natural therapies main mission is to restore all patients to full health, whether that is physically, mentally or emotionally. The clinic offers a treatment of the whole person, taking the time to establish the cause of certain problems or Read More...
As health professionals, far too often we see people taking information off the internet and from unqualified friends or family and treating it like law. There is high risk associated with self-diagnosis and people who as a result begin treating Read More...